Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Tab Manager is a Chrome extension developed by weBuilder that helps users organize and manage their browser tabs. We take the privacy of our users seriously and are committed to protecting the personal information collected through the use of our extension.

Information Collection and Use

Tab data: The extension collects information about the tabs you have open in your browser, including the URLs, titles, and other metadata. This data is used to provide the core functionality of the extension, such as creating and managing tab collections.

Extension usage data: We may collect anonymous, aggregate data about how you use the extension, such as the number of tabs managed, collections created, and other usage metrics. This data helps us improve the extension and understand user behavior.

No personal information: The extension does not collect any personal information, such as your name, email address, or other identifying data.

How We Use the Information:

To provide and improve the Tab Manager extension: The collected tab data is used to enable the core features of the extension, such as organizing tabs into collections and allowing you to open and manage those tabs.

To analyze and enhance the extension: The anonymous usage data is used to understand how users interact with the extension, identify areas for improvement, and develop new features.

We do not share or sell your data: We do not share, sell, or otherwise disclose the information collected through the Tab Manager extension to any third parties.

Data Storage and Security:

Your data is stored locally on your device and when synchronization is enabled, it is stored securely on our servers.

We use standard security practices to protect the data collected by the extension, but cannot guarantee absolute security.

User Choices and Control:

The Tab Manager extension does not have any settings or options that allow you to control the data collection. However, you can choose to uninstall the extension at any time if you no longer wish to use it.

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at

By using the Tab Manager Chrome extension, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to update this policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised policy.